Dear Veer Towers Owners/Residents
As you might already know, we have been experiencing an increased amount of water intrusion related incidents in recent years, costing $35,000 or more for each occurrence. Most of these incidents are due to toilet flex lines and connector failure. These parts are at, or beyond their life cycle.
To protect everyone’s investment and minimize the risk/impact of future water intrusion related incidents, we ask all unit owners to have these parts, identified below, to be replaced no later than July 31, 2023. If they have been replaced in the last 6 months and they are in good condition, please disregard this notice.
For your convenience, we are happy to offer the following dates below to have an entire building water shut off so that you may have an opportunity to replace the toilet flex line(s) and angle stops (if necessary) inside your unit without paying the $250 water shut off fees. However, you are responsible for scheduling your own plumber, as well as the cost associated with the replacement.
Please also know that you may be liable for other units and common area damage. UOA and other unit owners may also pursue legal action against you if deemed to be the cause of the incident.
Don’t let this happen to you!!
Registration Form:
- Complete and submit this form below.
- By completing this form, you provided permission for Veer Towers UOA to share your contact and unit information with the plumber you selected directly.
- Make contact with the plumber you selected within 24 hours after the form submission to confirm the appointment date and time and made payment to them directly.
- If the payment is not received 48 hrs prior to the scheduled date and time, your appointment can be cancelled.
- By selecting “Other Plumber”, you will need to upload the plumbers license and insurance information prior to submitting.